Insurance and Direct Billing
Perhaps the most common question in regards to payment is:
Does Derrick Denture Clinic direct bill insurance plans?
In compliance with the Denture Denture Clinic Payment Policy, we are able to directly invoice the following after a pre-determination has been received:
- Accerta
- AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped)
- Alberta Blue Cross
- Alberta Dental Service Corporation (ADSC – Seniors Benefits)
- Alberta Works
- Autoben
- Benecaid
- Coughlin & Associates
- Cowan Benefits Consulting
- Desjardins Financial Security
- Equitable Life
- Great West Life
- Groupe Premier Medical Humania
- Johnson Group
- La Capitale
- Manion Wilkins
- Manitoba Blue Cross
- Medavie Blue Cross
- Non-Insured Health Benefits Program (NIHB)
- Pacific Blue Cross
- Quikcard
- Standard Life
- Sun Life Insurance
If you have any questions about insurance for dentures and direct billing insurance, please give Derrick Denture & Implant Centre in Edmonton a call and we will do our best to answer your questions.